We recommend each player to have their own glove, bat, batting helmet, cleats and an equipment bag. If a child does not have their own batting helmet the league can provide the coach with a batting helmet for team use.
How do I choose the right bat for my son/daughter?
To determine the correct LENGTH of the bat, have your player stand with the bat next to his/her side barrel down and rest the bat on the ground the top of the bat should rest just below the hip
To determine the correct WEIGHT of the bat, have your player - hold the bat straight out from his/her side OR straight out in front (whichever is more comfortable) if the barrel tips down then it is too heavy if he/she can hold the bat straight out for 10 seconds - then you've found the right bat!
How do I choose the right glove for my son/daughter?
This information is provided only as a guide. Results for your player may vary based on their personal preference, ability, and physical maturity.
Size for AGE or POSITION
- TBall/Modified Coach Pitch (ages -7) - 8.5" to 10"
- Youth (ages 8+) - 10.5" to 12"
- Outfield/Softball - 12" to 14"
- Pitcher - 12" to 12.5"
- Infield - 11" to 12"
Pocket Depth
Shallow pockets offer control, making it easier to release the ball out of the glove.
Deeper pockets are best used for outfield or infielders that are still developing proper fielding mechanics.
First Base mitts have a thin, stiff pad around the edge with padding in the palm and fingers and range from 12" to 13".